Sunday, November 13, 2011

We Have Failed You...

We have failed you. We have failed to give you the assurance you could trust us. We have failed to equip you for the world.

We have failed to teach you honor and self respect and to trust in God's timing rather than to take things into your own hands. We have failed to value putting the needs of others above our own needs. We have failed to impart that value to you. We have failed to teach you to value self-sacrifice. We have taught you that your own happiness is above anything else in this world by letting you believe that fun, enjoyment and living for the now is of the utmost importance.

We have failed to hold your heart in trust. We have failed to trust your ability to make your own decisions. We have failed to keep your trust. We have failed to teach you to make good moral decisions. We have failed to teach you acceptance and patience. We have failed to encourage you to trust God for your future mate. We have failed to trust God enough ourselves. We have failed to value love and tolerance.

We have failed to give you the right to make mistakes.

And we are all reaping the the results of those failures every day...

1 comment:

MamaNan said...

Now focus on what you didn't fail at dear one...You are way too hard on yourself!! There are many positives that you also did along the way and I don't know that I would agree with ALL the "failures" you mentioned. Think of all the successes you implemented too!!