Wednesday, June 26, 2013


It was ugly--raw, brutal, gut wrenching sobs--the words  "I miss her so much" burst out, unbidden and unexpected...

Yet beautiful. He held me--his tears joined mine. No words, just his arms around me.

No accusations tossed back and forth. No heated discussions about perceived failures.

Just two wounded souls who found each least for this moment in time.

Two parents who are learning they are not responsible before God for the choices made by their child.

Two people trying to figure out alot of things:
--how to set boundaries, yet reach out to her
--how to protect younger siblings from bad influences, yet have a relationship with her
--how to love her, yet protect their own hearts

Two people who need to learn:
--how to talk to each other without rubbing salt into tender places
--how to discuss hard things without blame or sarcasm or hidden agendas
--how to be gentle with each other

Monday, June 24, 2013


Motherhood is a choice you make everyday,
to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own,
to teach the hard lessons,
to do the right thing even though you're not sure what the right thing is,
and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong.

Donna Bell

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Hardest Work of All

Never think for a moment that waiting is idle. 

Sometimes we do no harder work in our lives than the work of 
         "being still"
         "sitting back"
and letting the Holy Spirit work.

It is a totally active time of choosing to trust God's perfect timing.

~ Beth Moore

Friday, June 7, 2013

Cowboy Theology

Texas of course is famous for its cowboys, and some of those rough riders are pretty smart fellas. Some even have better theology than some professors and preachers I know.

I heard the story of a cowboy who applied for health insurance. As the agent was making his way through a marathon list of questions, he asked the cowboy, “Have you had any accidents?”

The cowboy replied “No, none at all. I was bitten last year by a rattlesnake and a horse kicked me in the ribs. That did lay me up for awhile.”

The agent responded with a confused look on his fact, “Wouldn’t you call those accidents?”

“Why no,” said the cowboy, “They both did it on purpose!”

(I don't know who wrote this--if you do, please share. I would like to be able to credit the author!)